Having Trouble Communicating With Moroccans?

Download my free travel Darija langauge audio-ebook
to speak Moroccan Arabic in day 1.

Having Trouble Communicating With Moroccans?

Download my free travel Darija langauge audio-ebook
to speak Moroccan Arabic in day 1.

What Students Say

Jerome mehkii

"I memorized most of the Darija phrases much faster and easier!"

I downloaded and listened to Muhammad’s Darija audio ebook, I was blown away by the creative
3 Dimensional sound effects, I felt like listening to a travel movie. Muhammad used spaced repetition in the audio which made me  able to memorize most of the Darija phrases much faster and easier.

"I was able to order my first mint tea in Darija"

I downloaded the audio ebook and I was reading how Darija phrases are written while listening to the audio version almost every day, after listening to it for a month, I visited Moroccan, I was able to order my first mint tea in Darija!
Thanks to Muhammad’s free Darija audio ebook guide! I’m now able to speak & text basic Moroccan Arabic : )

Alirie Gray

About Me

Salamo alaykom (Hi), my name is Muhammad and I’m Moroccan/Modern Arabic teacher from Marrakesh city.
I help travellers to Morocco, expats, Moroccan people who grew up elsewhere, and foreign spouses and fiancés of Moroccans become fluent in Moroccan Arabic and connect with local Moroccans through online Darija video lessons.

Are you traveling to Morocco soon? then make sure to download my free travel Darija language audio-ebook here to start speaking Moroccan Arabic in day 1.

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